New Mystery Novels Coming in 2021

Mystery novels are perfect for those budding sleuths that love to work out who the villain is before the end of the book. There are a number of exciting new novels that are coming out this year that will undoubtedly keep you entertained all year as well as all those you can find on Pirfly. Here are new mystery novels that are coming in 2021.

Waiting for the Night Song by Julie Carrick Dalton

A novel that follows the life of Cadie who returns to her childhood home following a request from her former best friend. When she arrives, however, there is an old secret that demands to be revealed. This is a well-written and suspenseful read that will keep you hooked.

If I Disappear by Eliza Jane Brazier

This story has a premise that relates perfectly to today’s society. When Sera’s favorite true-crime podcast goes missing, she seeks to find out what happened. However, when she looks deeper, she realizes that there is more going on than it first appears. You can read Eliza Jane Brazier’s other works on Pirfly.

Quiet in Her Bones by Nalini Singh

When a popular socialite disappears with $250 million dollars, everyone thinks she left because of her husband. However, 10 years later her bones are discovered near her estate. Her son, Aarav decides to investigate to see what happened all those years ago.

To read more mystery novels, why not take a look at Pirfly and see what takes your interest.

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