Best Mystery Books For Kids

It isn’t just adults that love a good mystery book, there are many stories out there written for a kids audience as well. One of the reasons they lend themselves so well to both adults and kids is that they don’t have to be gory or too graphic. You can read many mystery books on sites like Pirfly, but here are the top examples of mystery books aimed at kids.

Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens

This is the first in a series of novels that introduce Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong. They are two schoolgirls that decide to set up their own detective agency. The books are full of twists and turns that will keep children hooked until the very last page. You can find the other books in the series on Pirfly.

The Crooked Sixpence by Jennifer Bell

If your child likes to visit new worlds and new possibilities, then this book by Jennifer Bell will be perfect for them. The world is like nothing you have seen before, with ordinary objects possessing strange yet amazing powers. It is a fast-paced read so you might find its over before you know it.

Nancy Parker’s Diary of Detection by Julia Lee

Julia Lee is a talented author who has written this in the style of an Agatha Christie novel, only for a younger audience. The story is told through the diary entries of Nancy, who is an aspiring detective.

For more exciting kids mystery novels, check out Pirfly.

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